If you have a “Zusatzversicherung”/ supplementary policy with a Swiss health insurance and need treatment due to health problems (headaches, neck pain, lower back pain, water retention, and much more) or a pregnancy, the insurance generally reimburses 80% of the amount (for guidelines on health insurance see the “Medical Insurances” section). It is the patient’s responsibility to check with their health insurance company before treatment to see whether the particular policy they have taken out will give them access to reimbursement for the chosen treatment at a later date.
60′ treatments are 140.- CHF (except fascial/connective tissue massage that is 160.- CHF))
while the 90′ ones are 205.- CHF

Some of the treatments that Sabina offers, and their properties in extreme synthesis, are:
- Relaxing massages of 60’ or 90’
Relaxing massages or Swedish massages offer many benefits including muscle and central nervous system tension relief by promoting blood circulation and at the same time lowering blood pressure. Stagnations are reduced, the elimination of toxins is promoted and endorphins (happiness hormones) are released at the same time. Stress is reduced.
- Treatments against neck pain and/or headache/migraines that combine various techniques, duration of 60’
These treatments combine various techniques of western massage therapy with oriental principles based on acupressure and chakra work. Here the main focus is on the back, neck, shoulders and head, reducing tension in these areas and improving the sense of well-being. Years of neck/shoulder pain and headache/migraines improve significantly.

- Therapeutic/medical massages of 60′ or 90′
In these massages, postural problems, tensions and muscular imbalances are treated even at a deep level. The benefits are to relieve muscle tension (improving posture and rebalancing muscles) and the central nervous system by promoting blood circulation and at the same time lowering blood pressure. Stagnations are reduced, the elimination of toxins is promoted and endorphins (happiness hormones) are released at the same time. Stress is reduced and cell metabolism is improved.
Therapeutic/medical massages can be integrated with the use of “cupping” from traditional Chinese medicine.

- Craniosacral therapy in biodynamic 60′ or 90′ version
Craniosacral therapy has its origins in osteopathy founded in 1874 by Dr. Andrew Taylor Still. His pupil Dr. William Garner Sutherland recognized the rhythmic movements between skull (skull) and sacrum (sacrum bone) in the first half of the 20th century. He called his work “cranial osteopathy,” identifying an internal rhythm that he called the “Breath of Life”. The word “biodynamics” was introduced in the 1990s to describe the life forces recognized by Sutherland.
In the biodynamic version of Craniosacral therapy, the main focus is on self-healing powers, intrinsic health and internal resources. The basis of the method is the “Breath of Life”, whose expression of primary breathing sets structures and fluids in motion and maintains them. This influences all cells in the body, which, among other things, has a positive effect on the metabolism of the entire organism. The treatment is carried out to bring health back into balance, rather than directly addressing the problem.
The client is treated while lying down and fully clothed. The treatment itself consists in a gentle and receptive touch, which is used for both the evaluation and the therapeutic process.
The hands are slightly positioned on specific areas so that they can listen/perceive how the autonomous body systems express themselves and the connection with the healthy person is supported.
The therapeutic approach aims to work with the forces of primary respiration to expand all cells, structures, fluids, self-perception. The systems and functions of the human body are nourished and supported.
The biodynamic version of the Craniosacral session especially supports the neuro-endocrine immune system; it works well in pain conditions, it is ideal for stress reduction, post-trauma and shock treatment, to support healing and rehabilitation and for the expansion of consciousness, body perception and integration of change processes. Through deep relaxation a renewed inner balance is achieved.
Clients are able to come into contact with deep calm and relaxation (similar but deeper and more effective than meditation), which allows them to notice subtle internal changes such as fluid and tissue movements, heat, energy flow, expansion, mood enhancement and reduction of pain and tension. In this way one connects to totality and promotes unity.
Goals are to expand self-awareness; support self-regulation; promote healing; find greater resilience and consistency. The intention is to address the health in the body and to strengthen its expressiveness, so that the often disordered body-soul-mind states can reorganize and orient themselves.
The vitality that is thus once again available to the system is essential for the healing process and to become complete.

- Craniosacral therapy in biodynamic version combined with back/neck/shoulder massage of 90′
Here 30′ are of neck/shoulder/back massage (see details in the list) followed by a 60′ Craniosacral session.

- Craniosacral therapy in biodynamic version combined with plantar reflexology of 90′
Here 30′ are of plantar reflexology (see details in the list) followed by a 60′ Craniosacral session.

- Lymphatic drainage of 60’
Lymphatic drainage is a light massage, with the aim of activating the entire lymphatic system (which is located just under the skin and is particularly concentrated under the armpits, the groin, behind the knees) whose purpose is to transport and reabsorb fluids and is part of the immune system. It works to drain swelling (for example during pregnancy or after an operation), to accelerate healing, to improve the sense of vitality and the natural ability of our body to fight inflammation or disease. In the aesthetic field, lymphatic massage reduces fluid accumulations and orange peel skin.

- Aromatherapy massage of 60′ or 90′
Essential oils, mostly extracted from flowers, bark, roots, fruits, peels, leaves or plant resins, have healing effects on the central nervous system, the psyche and the body. Depending on the effect one wishes to achieve (soothing stress, improving digestion, energizing, boosting morale) different oils are used during the massage, which can be relaxing or deeper.
- Combination therapies against jet lag of 60′ or 90′
This treatment combines a neck, back and shoulder massage (usually put to test during long plane trips), lymphatic drainage to promote the drainage of fluid accumulations (deflating and eliminating toxins) and plantar reflexology to reactivate the optimal functionality of all the body’s organs. The result is a very short recovery time from typical “jet lag” disorders.

- Pregnancy massages of 60’ or 90’
These treatments are specific for pregnant women (the first trimester of pregnancy should be avoided, they are safe from the 13th week onwards). In this phase the woman’s body undergoes strong changes that test muscles and structures in new ways, often causing pain and unpleasant tensions that are treated with a specific massage called “perinatal”. It can be light or for women who like stronger massages this will be possible avoiding only some risk points. The result is in any case a sweet relief.

- Foot reflexology of 60′
During a foot reflexology session the feet, ankles and calves are treated according to specific maps or “reflex zones” that correspond to organs, glands, bone and muscle structures of the whole organism (based on the principles of the meridians of ancient Chinese medicine and precise maps of “reflex zones” developed later). Blocks are moved, and their organs and functions revitalized. This results in significantly greater well-being and health.
- Ayurvedic head and neck/shoulder massage of 60′
This massage technique comes from Ayurvedic medicine and has a thousand-year history. In it hot oil (sesame or coconut oil) is used and with special techniques the scalp, face, neck, shoulders and upper back are treated. It reduces stress, anxiety and high pressure; it improves the quality of sleep thanks to the endorphins that are released, reduces and/or eliminates head, neck, jaw and migraine pain; it supports the lymphatic system and therefore favours the elimination of toxins with consequent greater clarity of thought. “Dulcis in fundo” it is a treatment for hair and hair bulbs which reduces hair loss and strengthens them thanks to the improved blood circulation in the scalp area. It is important not to have a gala dinner to follow because of the resulting “wet” look.

- Hot stone massages of 60’ or 90’
This massage uses hot stones that are alternated with the therapist’s hands to massage muscle groups. The heat has a relaxing action on the fascia and muscles, allowing Sabina to reach even deep muscle groups without the need for great pressure. The result is a very relaxing therapy with great therapeutic effect.
- Fascial and connective tissue treatments combined with full body massage of 60′ or 90′.
Fascial and connective tissue treatments use specific techniques, without the use of oils, to increase the tone and elasticity of the connective tissue, fascia, muscles, nerves, vessels and internal organs. It reduces collagen adhesions present in the fascia, also relaxes tendons, ligaments and muscles. It improves blood and lymphatic circulation and thus strengthens the immune system. It is carried out before the traditional oil massage with which the therapy is completed.
- Deep tissue / sports massage of 60′ or 90′
Deep tissue massages are specific massages working on deep muscle groups and offer many benefits including releasing collagen adhesions into fascial and muscle structures, relieving muscle and central nervous system tension by promoting blood circulation and at the same time lowering blood pressure. Stagnations are reduced, the elimination of toxins is promoted and endorphins (happiness hormones) are released at the same time. Stress is reduced and muscle flexibility and performance is increased. Sports massages are a variant of the same specific for sportsmen and sportswomen who work in particular on muscle groups (with different pre or postsport techniques) particularly involved during the sport practiced.
- Classic massage lessons for two people/pairs of 180′ (350.- CHF)
In a 3-hour course Sabina teaches (thanks to her many years of experience also in luxury spas where she taught her colleagues massage techniques) even absolute beginners the main techniques and sequences for a good relaxing massage, putting the two students in a position to exchange excellent massages. During the 3 hours each of the apprentice masseurs will be able to receive a massage and give one. It is a fun idea for family, friends and couples with benefits for all their lucky “guinea pigs” in the time to come.

- Individual meditation class
Thanks to years of experience in various forms of meditation (Vipassana, Guided Meditations, Dynamic Meditations) Sabina gives individual meditation classes in which she teaches how to calm one’s mind and focus on breath, letting one be fascinated by the inner world.

For more information or to make an appointment contact Sabina:
Mobile treatments: are subject to a travel fee which needs to be negotiated (depends on travel time). You can rent a foldable massage table* or purchase one, for more details see below:
* Massage table options:
or (more comfortable because it has higher and softer padding)
my favorite “low budget” option is the following one from another brand:
Another brand offers:
or (more comfortable because it has higher and softer padding)
Best quality (a highly respected company in the world of massage therapists):